Dankook University | Biomedical Sciences & Biosystems

Lab (good) news & events
August 2. Congratulations, Ahjin, for receiving the best poster award
at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Korean Association of Biological Sciences.
July 26. Our MIG6 paper has finally been accepted by Molecular Oncology. Congratulations to all!!
July 3. Welcome, Hyein and Juhyeon, as you join our lab as summer students!
June 5. Congratulations, Sukjin, on being awarded a doctoral student research grant from the NRF!
May 10. Congratulations, Jaehee, on being awarded a master student research grant from the NRF!
April 30. Great Job to Joeun, (Yeon) Jiwon, Gaheyon, and (Jang) Jiwon for successful achievement
in BS thesis research at the CHO lab. We miss all of you. Best of Luck!